Download Black Armored Dragon Sims 3

Posted By admin On 15.01.20

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  1. Sims 3 Dragon Mod

The world can be download from the world page or your purchase history. Green dragon, Purple dragon und Armored Black Dragon. Each dragon has a different skill. You can only have one dragon of each color in your inventory at any given time but you can have many of them on your lot. They don’t fly away or die. Igo primo gps software. The Sims 3 Dragon Valley. The Armored Black Dragon will be available as a bonus unlock when you own both The Sims 3 Dragon Valley and the Dukes of Bow Renn Faire venue - both available on The Sims 3 Store on May 30, 2013.


  1. The Armored Black Dragon will be available as a bonus unlock when you own both The Sims 3 Dragon Valley and the Dukes of Bow Renn Faire venue – both available on The Sims 3 Store on May 30, 2013.
  2. Our mission is to supply you with all the latest Sims 3 Custom Content, so if you’re interested in seeing more Sims 3 Custom Content Downloads, check out our Sims 3 Custom Content page for everything in one place. Please report any broken/dead links in the comments area below.
Download Black Armored Dragon Sims 3
  • edited May 2013
    Violins! Archery! And tons of period stuff to make an authentic medieval looking venue. I am definitely getting the larger bundle, because that venue is almost as exciting as the world. Together, it is going to be all I want it to be. Soooooo happy!
    We'll just have to beg and plead for more dragons of different colors. Blue being the first ..
    And now that we KNOW they can make new instruments: I really, really want a harp! Especially now. Because what is a celtic land without a harp???
    I had hoped to get more of an overview of the world, itself. I cannot understand why they only used up a half hour, when a live broadcast is usually an hour. But I liked everything I did see. I just wanted to see a whole lot MORE.
    Well, one week isn't so very long. I guess. Whimper.
    I don't understand about the Facebook thing. What page is disappearing? The forums are staying like they are, right? I have no idea what is going on. It wasn't too clear.
    And why is Sims Social part of the mix. I thought that was defunct. Also, is Sims Medieval still viable? Why is all that being blended with Sims 3? Because it sounds like the past games are going there, but we still have a year before Sims 4 is out. And they said the store will still be making things, even after the last expansion, so .. confused. :shock:
  • edited May 2013
    Wait wait. Sims 3 site is going to FB as well as the social and midieval sites? is that correct understanding? I do have a FB but I don't DO facebook that much...

    I think the Sims site (where we are now) is staying around -- sounds like what they're doing is merging all the current FB sites (Sims Social, Sims Medieval and Sims 3) into one Sims FB page. Wouldn't make sense to close down this place if only because of the Sims 3 Store. :?

    :shock: OHHHH.. I hope that's indeed the case! Cuz if this forum/site goes anywhere I'm outta here like *that*
  • edited May 2013
    Thing is, FB doesn't have the capability of separating out different topics the way a BBS/forum like this one does; you'd end up with people asking questions about Island Paradise right along side those who have problems with World Adventures, and it would be really hard for the SimGurus to address individual issues. FB is good for quick information/feedback, but not for anything longterm.
    As for Sims Social, it's going goodbye in its current form..but I'm sure that EA is working on a replacement so they're going to want to keep those fans in the loop.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
  • edited May 2013
    Yeah, that new law thing is for the birds, I agree. I'm just mad they WOULD put DV in the mix! Couldn't y'all pick some OTHER world to do that bunle plum with--like the Farming world or Simlantis or something I'm not bugging out for?
  • edited May 2013
    @stilljustme2 thanks for the (we can only hope) assumptive explanation. I think and hope you're right and that's what they meant. I have no problem with FB pages for all the games being merged into one FB but leave the actual site and forums alone. I just started posting here last year, don't want to stop now!
    Plus, I don't friend anyone I don't know in real life on FB, so I really wouldn't be that active if we did go over to FB.
    It's kind of sad that I have to point out that anything I say is only just my opinion and may be a different one from someone else.
  • edited May 2013
    What did they say about Sims 4?

    Not much; I think they're still forming the dev team. Introduced a couple of the members (SimGuru Ryan, naturally, and a woman whose name escapes me), talked about their Sim memories (both referenced things in Sims 2, which made me feel old because I remember playing Sims 1 on my first iBook when Aspyr ported the game to Mac from Maxis). They'll be introducing more of the team on June 18 at the Island Paradise LB.
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
  • edited May 2013
    Well, you know you will buy the world. And you know you will buy the venue. So the bundle works, because you get a better price on the world, that way. It's all money out of your pocket, regardless. What form is moot, in the final analysis.
    More importantly, we get DV. Dragons. Ren Fair. Archery. Violins. (feels faint with anticipation of future pleasure)
  • edited May 2013
    @stilljustme2 thanks for the (we can only hope) assumptive explanation. I think and hope you're right and that's what they meant. I have no problem with FB pages for all the games being merged into one FB but leave the actual site and forums alone. I just started posting here last year, don't want to stop now!
    Plus, I don't friend anyone I don't know in real life on FB, so I really wouldn't be that active if we did go over to FB.

    I only use FB for sites where I absolutely have to for commenting and such -- I have my page set to private and don't friend anyone. More of the sites I post on are going with FB logins because it's easier than setting up their own registration system, so I was pretty much forced to do it (some examples are some of the articles/columns on ESPN, some newspapers, etc.).
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
  • edited May 2013
    Murfeel, you've got me really worried! I interpreted it as the various social site pages merging (first Facebook and later Twitter). I didn't think they meant this forum. I would totally be out of here like *that* too! I've managed to steer clear of the twittering faces until now. They kind of creep me out and I'm still hoping they're just a temporary social virus that I can avoid contracting.
  • edited May 2013
    I had hoped to get more of an overview of the world, itself. I cannot understand why they only used up a half hour, when a live broadcast is usually an hour. But I liked everything I did see. I just wanted to see a whole lot MORE.

    Yeah, what was up with that!
  • edited May 2013
    Yeah, that new law thing is for the birds, I agree. I'm just mad they WOULD put DV in the mix! Couldn't y'all pick some OTHER world to do that bunle plum with--like the Farming world or Simlantis or something I'm not bugging out for?

    At least this time we got plenty of warning -- it's not like people bought the huge points packs ahead like they did when they announced MV. (I just bought a $40 pack just to have on hand for any good premium content in the Store.)
    As for the broadcast, I'm disappointed the well is only decor -- I know we got the Wishing Well in Lucky Palms (and I'm going to have to find a good place to add that to DV), but it would have been cool to add a few animations -- even drawing water to drink.
    I'm wondering if they've had some complaints about the broadcast length in the past -- not everyone has an hour or so to kill in front of the computer -- so maybe we'll get more LBs but shorter with concentration on just one aspect. 8)
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
  • edited May 2013
    Murfeel, you've got me really worried! I interpreted it as the various social site pages merging (first Facebook and later Twitter). I didn't think they meant this forum. I would totally be out of here like *that* too! I've managed to steer clear of the twittering faces until now. They kind of creep me out and I'm still hoping they're just a temporary social virus that I can avoid contracting.

    I've gotten a lot more out of Twitter than I ever have out of FB -- have actually met some friends that way. It was especially a sanity saver in 2010 when I was dealing with family issues (both my parents-in-law were seriously ill at the same time; my mom-in-law made it but dad-in-law didn't ).
    Check out my Gallery! Origin ID: justme22
    Fun must be always -- Tomas Hertl (San Jose Sharks hockey player)
  • edited May 2013
    I'd join Twitter before I ever joined FB--at least that slick- talking scheming stealing Suckaburger won't be getting any support from me. :roll:
    Murfeel, you've got me really worried! I interpreted it as the various social site pages merging (first Facebook and later Twitter). I didn't think they meant this forum. I would totally be out of here like *that* too! I've managed to steer clear of the twittering faces until now. They kind of creep me out and I'm still hoping they're just a temporary social virus that I can avoid contracting.

    IKR!? Facebook? Ew. :x
    EA needs to come out with a *better* official statement, cuz I'm freaking out--what's what? Is THIS site/forum being merged into any Facebooktardation?
  • edited May 2013
    Okay. We can calm down now and carry on. SimGuru Smitty has just confirmed that these forums will not be moved:
    'It's just combining our social channels. No the forums will definitely still exist. It's just that now that they're starting to announce Sims 4 awesomeness we don't want to call our FB and Twitter accounts just 'The Sims 3' anymore so those social channels will become 'The Sims' and show stuff from all games.'
    Here's the link to her 'official' thread. See page three.
  • edited May 2013
    Also, what was all this about moving stuff to Facebook? Are they getting rid of these forums? That would be a very bad idea.

    It's just combining our social channels. No the forums will definitely still exist. It's just that now that they're starting to announce Sims 4 awesomeness we don't want to call our FB and Twitter accounts just 'The Sims 3' anymore so those social channels will become 'The Sims' and show stuff from all games.

    Praise the llamas most high!
  • edited May 2013
    Two words:
    Black dragons :twisted:
    A Designer’s Thoughts: Armored Black Dragons.
    Check out what Designer Alan Copeland has to say about the Baby Dragons he created for The Sims 3 Dragon Valley! The Armored Black Dragon will be available as a bonus unlock when you own both The Sims 3 Dragon Valley and the Dukes of Bow Renn Faire venue - both available on The Sims 3 Store on May 30, 2013.
    Some have said that finding an Armored Black Dragon is a bad omen and surely its presence is a sign of evil on the horizon but the truth is that these mysterious critters are beyond the trappings of traditional “good vs. evil”. They are born with an inherent understanding of many of the Reaper’s secrets, a burden that often makes them detached and distant.
    For reasons the Armored Black Dragons think best to keep to themselves, being around them gives the Mark of the Black Dragon moodlet, benefiting their companions with bonuses of Energy and Hunger. Every Armored Black Dragon knows that the cycles of death are far, far, more logical than the cycles of life and will occasionally discuss those things with Sims to help them become more logical.
    Armored Black Dragons have conquered fear by twisting it into a powerful tool to use against others. If they find a Sim particularly annoying they can turn their onyx stare into a curse so heinous that some have even transformed into a soulless zombie!
    Armored Black Dragons have a kinship with the dead so they can summon ghosts that can haunt an area or give your Sim a chance to talk to those that have passed to the other side.
    But the reason the Black Armored Dragon is arguably the most powerful of all of the dragons is its ability to summon a free pass for the next time the Grim Reaper is around in the form of a Death Flower!
    Armored Black Dragons are exclusively unlocked for those customers that have both the World and the new “Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire” venue.
  • edited May 2013
    Two words:
    Black dragons :twisted:
    A Designer’s Thoughts: Armored Black Dragons.
    Check out what Designer Alan Copeland has to say about the Baby Dragons he created for The Sims 3 Dragon Valley! The Armored Black Dragon will be available as a bonus unlock when you own both The Sims 3 Dragon Valley and the Dukes of Bow Renn Faire venue - both available on The Sims 3 Store on May 30, 2013.
    Some have said that finding an Armored Black Dragon is a bad omen and surely its presence is a sign of evil on the horizon but the truth is that these mysterious critters are beyond the trappings of traditional “good vs. evil”. They are born with an inherent understanding of many of the Reaper’s secrets, a burden that often makes them detached and distant.
    For reasons the Armored Black Dragons think best to keep to themselves, being around them gives the Mark of the Black Dragon moodlet, benefiting their companions with bonuses of Energy and Hunger. Every Armored Black Dragon knows that the cycles of death are far, far, more logical than the cycles of life and will occasionally discuss those things with Sims to help them become more logical.
    Armored Black Dragons have conquered fear by twisting it into a powerful tool to use against others. If they find a Sim particularly annoying they can turn their onyx stare into a curse so heinous that some have even transformed into a soulless zombie!
    Armored Black Dragons have a kinship with the dead so they can summon ghosts that can haunt an area or give your Sim a chance to talk to those that have passed to the other side.
    But the reason the Black Armored Dragon is arguably the most powerful of all of the dragons is its ability to summon a free pass for the next time the Grim Reaper is around in the form of a Death Flower!
    Armored Black Dragons are exclusively unlocked for those customers that have both the World and the new “Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire” venue.

    Oh, I just had a mental image of your simmies decorating their Celtic crosses with death flowers, and summoning a ghost. Aghhggggg
    I'd so rather imagine a lovely little blue dragon .. pretty water. What do you suppose it will take to get the blue dragons???
  • edited May 2013
    I am so EXCITED!
    Renaissance fair! 4 dragons! the decor! the BATHROOM pieces from the world! the plants! the roof decor! I LOVE roof decor!
    I can barely stand it!
    And that was me exclaiming as minimally as I could :P
  • edited May 2013
    I'd so rather imagine a lovely little blue dragon .. pretty water. What do you suppose it will take to get the blue dragons???

    Me getting EP11 and going into the future to get some sci-fi high tech equipment so i can infiltrate sims studios, and then going into the past and posing as one of the lead devs working on DV, and ordering them to scrap the Purple dragon and making a Blue one instead. 8)
  • edited May 2013
    I'd so rather imagine a lovely little blue dragon .. pretty water. What do you suppose it will take to get the blue dragons???

    Me getting EP11 and going into the future to get some sci-fi high tech equipment so i can infiltrate sims studios, and then going into the past and posing as one of the lead devs working on DV, and ordering them to scrap the Purple dragon and making a Blue one instead. 8)

    Oh. .. A long wait, then. Well. Hmmmm.
    Let's just beg. Maybe it will be faster??
  • edited May 2013
    :?: :?: :hunf: :hunf: I don't know about this one, I'm not feeling this world! The live chat seems rush. :?:
  • edited May 2013
    I don't know about this one, I'm not feeling this world! The live chat seems rush.

    Oh, that's too bad. I agree that it did feel rushed and I wish that they had been allowed more time.
    For my part, though, I am TOTALLY feeling this world. It was all I could do not to jump through my computer screen and grab the mouse out of dear Smitty's hand to take control of the DV demo myself. (Of course, physics and reality were minor hang-ups, also.)
  • edited May 2013
    :?: :?: :hunf: :hunf: I don't know about this one, I'm not feeling this world!

    *aghast gasp*
    Thou shalt FEEL my wrath!
    *feel feel feel*
    The live chat seems rush. :?:
    It was--wasted perfectly good minutes giggling over that plum TS4 plum. Crappit.
    *feel feel feel, EA!* :x
  • edited May 2013
    It was--wasted perfectly good minutes giggling over that plum TS4 plum. Crappit.

    Murfeel. I'm rather, well. . . not exactly 'young' per se and I don't laugh at nearly as many things as I used to in my more naive and gullible days.
    But, gawd, there's something different about you. You have somehow completely taken over my funny bone. It's like this weird twitch I get when I read your brain spews. I'm becoming addicted to your quirky wit. Actually, the normal definition of quirky doesn't even come close.
    You are the Master of Quirk.
  • edited May 2013
    Thanks so much! *tickle tickle!* ^_^
    Glad ya liked the spewing forth of that lump I assume is my brain. Most people just think I'm on meds -- which I am, but not THAT many, pfft!. :P

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