How To Highly Compress A File Using Uharc
Posted By admin On 09.12.19Trick to compress larger game or movie files faster using uharc or kgb archiver In My Previous Post,I Have Taught You ' How To Extract Highly Compressed Games/Movies Faster '.The Same Procedure Can Be Applied In Case Of ' Compressing Large Game/Movie Files ' Using KGB Archiver Or UHARC To Create A ' Highly Compressed File ' In Less Time. Help how to highly compress a file example from 4gb to mb, i search on you tube but every tutorial none is working for me, thanks in advance More about: highly compress file Zkye. Help highly compress file joselino28 Jun 13, 2016, 11:20 PM help how to highly compress a file example from 4gb to mb, i search on you tube but every tutorial none is working for me, thanks in advance.
Just today I downloaded Windows 7 final retail version from Rapidshare. It was just a 9 MB .rar file, but when I extracted it, it became exactly 3.49 GB. I even installed Windows 7 from it for dual boot with XP.

How To Compress Files Using Uharc Cmd
I know they used a compression software. But which software do they use for such conversion? Please answer me.
How To Highly Compress Files With Uharc
Tested and appears to be legit. 9MB extracts to 3+GB file when disconnected from internet (no download). No guarantees for file safety, though.
Dont use KGB waste of time Some People Making with rar find that which compressed 3.46 gb to 9mb i shocked and its working.
i want the software which can convert gb files in to mb example : 6 or 7 gb file in to 60 or 70 mb files so please help me with some type of this kinda software ..
you are looking for a software that can compress files. The type of software depends on the type of file you wish to compress.
I recommend that you ask a new question via the respective button on MakeUseOf Answers.
here it is;!
How to compress like that?hello brother can u tell me how to do this.. plz tell me i need compressor like this link file if any one know plz tell me thnx for all .my id facebook id ...
i have the same question i downloaded a 16MB .rar file from megaupload and it had another .rar file wich had a 6GB .ISO, how is that possible???
so you're saying the 16 MB .rar file contained a second .rar file, which in turn packed a 6 GB .iso file.
If you can provide the link to that 16 MB .rar file, I think you should post this as a new question. This question is fairly old and unlikely to receive new answers.
Most installation files in already compressed (in .CAB) files, so 3.5 GB into 9MB is just not possible. What you got was probably an installer which downloaded the rest of the installation files, as others have suggested.
Yeah, I have heard similar things about KGB archiver, but it is too slow for practical use if you go for maximum compression. 3.5GB to 9MB seems a real stretch though.
It could have been a 9mb installer as Taty pointed out. I highly doubt that 3.5GB of code can be compress to 9mb. Perhaps we can help you better if you linked to the item in RapidShare.
I have heard of something - maybe not by quite as much but a Vista install being shrunk down to 80mb using this If you do find the application or how it was done let us know. Also share the rapid share link so I can check it out and see if I can find out what the compression app was.
What was the extension?
Are you sure it wasn't just hundreds of 9mb files that if you open one, it extracted (or shows) a 3.5gb file?
I am not aware of any software that compresses a file that size to 9mb, so there could have been many 9mb rar files or as Taty said, downloaded of the internet.
If a piece of software does compress it that much, why haven't the torrentors got onto it, and what will the need of a high bandwidth allowances?
Hi Cybersupam
Some programs have you downloaded was a small program meant to retrieve the rest of the files from the web. Several other programs use that means of delivery, but since you got that from Rapidshare, that is probably not it.
There have been a few super-compressors being tested around. A few, like Miliki seem to get good results, though I've never seen quite that much success with a compression, but if you want to check it out: