Naruto Clash Of Ninja 2 Gamecube Roms
Posted By admin On 03.02.20- Cheats
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- Naruto Clash Of Ninja Review
- Naruto Clash Of Ninja Iso
- Naruto Clash Of Ninja Revolution 2
- Naruto Clash Of Ninja 2 Gamecube Rom
- Naruto Clash Of Ninja 2 Characters
Get the latest Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). has all you need to win every game you play!
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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the GameCube cheats we have available for Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2.
How To Become Hokage
There's a way to gain a Hokage score. You have toget either 400,000 or 500,000 points on OnePlayer mode. I got over 500,000 playing with Nejiwith 5 rounds to a match. I just had him do hisspecial attack every chance I got and before Inew it I had over 500,000 points
Easy Money
An easy way to gain money is to play oboro mode as zabuza. After you get into a few rounds and there's multiple opponents at once, use his sword attack, or A multiple times to defeat enemies. The trick however is to get into a corner and then face the multitude of enemies. Zabuza's sword will be able to attack multiple people at once, and speeds up the process of kills. A way to get into a corner and avoid damage is to jump multiple times into a corner then begin the attack. I've made it to 275 kills personally, which is hokage status, and will give you around 11k money.
Better Lightning Blade
If you select either Kakashi or sharingan Sasuke get chakara full then if you hold x. You can get a massive damage. Enjoy!
Extra Money
To get extra money go to oboro mode and grab allthe money.
Haku's Ability
When using Haku jump in the air and hold (A)the needles will stay air born till you let go.
Unmasked Haku
Highlight Haku and press X at the characterselection screen for unmasked Haku. HighlightHaku and press Z at the character selectionscreen to have unmasked Haku in an alternatecostume.
Rock Lee: Combo
Select Rock Lee and fight against Gaara. Openthe first link then use the special by pressingX as usual. He will do a combo before hegrapples Gaara with his bandages, just like inepisode 48 of the anime. Get your opponent to have his or her back to awall. Press B until Rock does a double-kick toknock the opponent into the air, then press A todo an extra roundhouse. When the enemy's headfaces the ground while he falls, press X to doRock's special. When timed correctly, this combotakes about 50% of the opponent's life.
Rock Lee: Easy Wins
Because Rock Lee has no long distance attacks,you must keep up with your opponent and stayclose to them. Use some of Rock Lee's aerialkicks when you are far away from your opponent.This will move him across the field a lotfaster. The closer you are to your opponent, themore of an advantage you have.
Sasuke With Sharingan
To have Sasuke with Sharingan available inAnko's shop, you must first complete Story mode.Then, go to Anko's shop and buy the next Storymode chapter (at the bottom of the list). Afteryou buy that chapter, complete it. Then, returnto Anko's shop and buy another chapter. Completethat chapter. Repeat this process until you havecompleted 30 chapters (the original 20 chaptersthat were available by default. and 10 more thatyou purchased). After completing the thirtiethchapter, Sasuke with Sharingan should beavailable for purchase in Anko's shop for100,000 points. Note: You may also need to buyOrochimaru first before Sasuke with Sharinganbecomes available.
Select Costumes
Highlight a character and press Y at theselection screen.
Stats Option In Omake Menu
Successfully complete the first twenty episodesof story mode to make this available forpurchase at Anko's shop.
Team Battle Mode
Get the best score in time attack mode to makethis available for purchase at Anko's shop.
Oboro Mode
This mode is useful for earning quick money. Itis not easy, but it is faster than regularfights. To make it available for purchase, youwill need to buy several characters. You mustbuy characters in the order they appear untilyou have bought Mizuki. After that, return toAnko's shop and Oboro Mode (along withOrochimaru) should be available for purchase for3,500 points.
Kakshi Hatake With Sharingon Trigon Attack
Press Away, A when your character does theirspecial technique.
Long-haired Sakura
Highlight Sakura and press X at the characterselection screen. Highlight Sakura and press Zat the character selection screen to have long-haired Sakura in an alternate costume.
Neji: Combo
Press Down, B(2), Forward, B(2), A, B(3), X.Neji will do a low kick, a high kick to hit theopponent into the air, a two handed blow, apunch, then pull out a kunai, have threepunches, then finishes it off with HakkeRokujyuu Hanshyou (Sixty-four Points ofDivinity).
Background Music Option
Buy all of the bonus story mode battles to makethis available for purchase at Anko's shop.
Alternate Mizuki
Highlight Iruka and press X at the characterselection screen for his original costume.Highlight Iruka and press Z at the characterselection screen to have Mizuki in an alternatecostume.
Bonus Story Mode Battles
Successfully complete the first twenty episodesof story mode to unlock a new episode that isavailable for purchase at Anko's shop. Completethat episode to unlock the next bonus episode.There are a total of ten bonus story modeepisodes that can be purchased.
Defeating Rock Lee
Rock Lee has a lot of combos and strong attacks.He becomes stronger when he opens the Gates ofLife. Try to dodge as much of his attacks aspossible, or keep him at distance with longrange attacks or your special technique. It mayalso be wise to not let him use his specialtechnique; the more Gates of Life he opens, themore powerful he becomes and soon his PrimaryLotus will become a Hidden Lotus. However youcan take advantage of that and attack Rock Leewhen he is done using his Hidden Lotus becausehis health will be very low. Make sure you alsohave enough Chakra and health remaining.
Hyuga Neji: Nekki Genkai Byakugan
At the character selection screen, highlightNeji and press X to change Neji's costume. Fightagainst Rock Lee and use Nekki Genkai Byakugan.Notice that it seems to do a greater amount ofdamage to Rock Lee. While performing the attack,quickly press B, Down, Up numerous times, thenDown. If you are lucky, Neji may do a group ofpunches and kicks.
Sasuke With Sharingan: Phoenix Flower
Sasuke with Sharingan has an aerial specialmove. Jump in the air and press X to execute aPhoenix Flower Jutsu. This move is a rangeattacks that goes in a straight line. This isuseful for attacking multiple enemies, but itcan be blocked. One combo to ensure that youwill hit your opponent (if it is only one) isDown + B, Up + B, X. Sasuke should execute a legsweep, kick his opponent into the air, then usethe Phoenix Flower Jutsu without fail. Note:Timing is essential; you must practice the comboto use it well.
Story Mode #30
To get the last Story mode, get 60,000 pointsand buy Orochimaru. You will have 10,000 pointsremaining. Now, buy the story.
1 On 2 Battles Or Triple Threat Battles
Go to battle in four player mode. Select thethree characters you wish to fight with. Insteadof choosing a fourth opponent, press Start. Youwill go to a team setup screen with a maximum ofthree teams instead of four. After you set upthe teams, choose a location and/or handicap andbegin battle.
Extra Points In The Store
If you have played (Naruto Clash of Ninja) on thesame memory card then you can unlock 1000 extrapoints in (Naruto Clash of Ninja 2)
Shadow Mode
Unlock Miziki and Team Battle then buy 3500points at Ankos shop to play shadow mode
Unlock And Beat The Unlockable Story Mode
Beat the story mode without stopping. When youfinish you should get 8000 coins. Go to the shop.There should be an item called story mode for2000 coins, buy it. Go to story mode and chooseselect story. Choose the very last one and beatit. If you can't, go to game settings and changethe difficulty to 1. When you beat it go back tothe store and if there is another one, buy it.keep doing this until you beat the story modenumber 29. Then you must unlock Orochimaru to beable to buy the story mode number 30. When youbeat story number 30 you have BEATEN THEUNLOCKABLE STORY MODE!!!
Use Sharingan Sasuke's Phoenix Flower Special Jutsu
Gain full chakra using Sharingan Sasuke. Thenjump twice and press X. Enjoy!
Do The Hidden Lotus With Rock Lee
When the match begins, get your chakra gauge to the green mark. Then press down and x at the same time to enter into the first gate. After that push down and x again until Rock Lee says 'Gate of Life Open' then it'll raise your chakra gauge all the way up. Press x when your opponent is on the ground to do the Hidden Lotus. NOTE:this will take your life to the lowest level. NOTE: You can do your special anywhere on the stage, you dont have to get close to your opponent.
All Characters
Unlock Sharingan Sasuke
Complete the unlockable story mode and the buy from the shop for 100,000 coins.
Unlock Characters
Beat story mode and keep on going to the shop. Every time you go there you can buy a character.
Unlock Sharingan Kakashi
He's last to get in available spaces; get 7,500coins to purchase him with in Anko's shop.
Sharingan Sasuke
Play Story mode and gain 100000 coins and buyhim at the Shop.
Play As Zabuza Momochi
Gain 5,500 points to buy Kyubi Naruto at Anko'sshop.
Play As Haku
Gain 2,500 points to buy Akamaru, Crow orKankuro at Anko's shop.
Play As Guy Sensei
Nexus 5 wifi issues. Successfully complete the game to unlock thecorresponding sounds for that person availablefor purchase at Anko's shop.
Cpu Battle Mode
Successfully complete story mode to make thisavailable for purchase at Anko's shop.
Character Profile Option
Successfully complete the game to unlock thecorresponding character profile for that personavailable for purchase at Anko's shop.
Shadow Fighting Mode
Get the best score in time attack mode to makethis available for purchase at Anko's shop.
Play As Sharingan Sasuke
Gain 100,000 points to buy Sharingan Sasuke atAnko's Shop.
10,000 Credits
Have a saved game file from the original Naruto: Clash of Ninja on your memory card.
Additional Damage Option
Finish in first place in time attack mode tomake this available for purchase at Anko's shop
Additional Difficulty Option
Finish in first place in survival mode to makethis available for purchase at Anko's shop.
Get Akamaru
Unlock Kankuro and then get 3500 more points.
Unlock Neji
Naruto Clash Of Ninja Review
Complete story mode and buy from shop for 2000 coins.
Unlock Mizuki
Unlock Iruka and Sharingan Kakashi and then get15000 more points.
Unlock Iruka
Complete story mode and buy in shop for 2000 coins.
Unlock Crow (Kankuro's Puppet)
Beat 1 player mode with neji, guy wil be in theshop.
Unlock Haku
Unlock Neji and buy from shop for 2500 coins.
Unlock Kyuubi Naruto
Unlock Crow and Akamaru and then get 5500 morepoints.
Unlock Orochimaru
Unlock every unlockable character other thanSharingan Sasuke and then get 50000 points.
Unlock Zabuza
We have no easter eggs for Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: krazykalar.Read the full guide..
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 for GameCube. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.
Copy Cat Ninja[edit]
When using Sharingan Kakashi, note that he has the ability to copy the opponent's special by pressing A and back on the d-pad. (Note that this does not work with Haku, Neji, or Rock Lee).
Third Hokage[edit]
Many sites and people say the Third Hokage is a playable character in this game and can be unlocked if you get a rank of Hokage in all playable modes. However this is untrue as Lord Third Hiruzen's data is not even in the game. To anyone wondering, you cannot play as the Third Hokage and anyone who says otherwise is probably lying or think of a diferent game.
Hint - Extended Long Combo[edit]
While playing as Neji you can do a very long combo which you have to press DOWN, B, B, TOWARDS, B, B, A, B, B, B, X.
Hint - Haku with Mask[edit]
When selecting Haku, press the X to get him with his mask on.
Unlockable - Shadow Mode[edit]
Achieve a rank of Jounin on Survival and Time Attack modes.
Hint - Phoenix Flower Jutsu[edit]
While playing as Sasuke with Sharingan with Chakra Gauge full, jump and press X.
Unlockable - Gallery and Music Player[edit]
Naruto Clash Of Ninja Iso
Available for purchase after unlocking all characters.
Unlockable - Team Battle[edit]
Place first in Survival mode and this mode will appear.
Hint - Long Hair Sakura[edit]
To play long-haired Sakura you must press X when selecting her. If you want long hair and the alternate costume, press Z.
Hint - Orichimaru Tongue Trick[edit]
Orochimaru's special ability is to catch the opponent with his tounge, slams them down, and then uses a seal to stop chakra recovery for the rest of the round. It means your opponent can't use jitsus or substitutions for the rest of the round. It wears off if you used it in the first round and you go to round 2.
Fan Bonus[edit]
If you have a save from the first Naruto Clash of Ninja on the Cube and start CON2 on the same car, the shop will give you a bonus 10,000 to start with.
Hint - Money Laundering[edit]
Well not really laundering, just economizing your money intake. In the start of the game your strongest character is Kakashi. Once you beat story mode you can unlock Guy and Zabuza. You can use one of those strong characters over and over again in one player mode and get 2000 coins with ten fast battles.
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From there you can unlock Sharingan kakashi and Mizuki until you have all characters. Believe me it helps. Get first place in survival mode and time attack so you can get attack level four. That makes your attacks stronger and faster to win. Also don't use specials cause it just takes longer to beat opponents.
Hidden Characters[edit]
Naruto Clash Of Ninja Revolution 2
Get these characters from Anko's Shop.
Naruto Clash Of Ninja 2 Gamecube Rom
- Akamaru: 2,500
- Gai: 3,500
- Haku: 3,000
- Iruka: 2,000
- Kankurou: 2,500
- Karasu: 2,500
- Kyuubi Naruto: 5,500
- Mizuki: 15,000
- Neji Hyuuga: 2,000
- Orochimaru: 50,000
- Sharingan Kakashi: 7,500
- Sharingan Sasuke: 100,000
- Zabuza Momochi: 4,000