Simple Line Follower Robot Program
Posted By admin On 27.12.19The Chassis used for this line follower is same as the one we used in making Simple line follower robot. If you haven't made that, no worry just read the chassis part in the Simple line follower robot article. For this robot we will be using an IR transmitter and a receiver pair. Line follower Robot is one of the first robots that beginners and students would get their first robotic experience with. In this project, we have designed a simple Line Follower Robot using Arduino and some other components. Sandwich, an Easy to Build Robot that Follows Lines. A simple line Follower. Sandwich is a fantastic robot that came about because I wanted a small uncomplicated line-following robot. Has been a very popular attraction on this website, but Sweet is too difficult to build and program for most hobbyists. In this unit, we will use the datalogging tools available in the EV3 Software to study the internal operation of a two-step simple line follower with one Light sensor. It is a very simple but powerful example that can help students to understand and to correctly program other situations.
A detailed wiring diagram can be found here:
Connect the following with the leads or jumpers :

Robotc Line Follower Program
- Ardumoto Digital pin 2 - QTR Sensor pin1
- Ardumoto Digital pin 4 - QTR Sensor pin2
- Ardumoto Digital pin 5 - QTR Sensor pin3
- Ardumoto Digital pin 6 - QTR Sensor pin4
- Ardumoto Digital pin 7 - QTR Sensor pin5
- Ardumoto Digital pin 8 - QTR Sensor pin6
- Ardumoto Digital pin 9 - QTR Sensor pin7
- Ardumoto Digital pin 10 - QTR Sensor pin8
- Ardumoto GND - QTR Sensor pin GND
- Ardumoto 5V - QTR Sensor pin VCC
- Ardumoto Terminal A 1 - Black wire of Left motor
- Ardumoto Terminal A 2 - Red wire of Left motor
- Ardumoto Terminal B 3 - Black wire of Right motor
- Ardumoto Terminal B 4 - Red wire of Right motor
- Ardumoto Terminal VIN (+) - Positive/Red wire from battery holder (switched)
- Ardumoto Terminal VIN (-) - Negative/Black wire from battery holder
Line Follower Robot Pdf
Note : Digital Pin 3 is skipped and used by the Ardumoto motor driver. Ardumoto also uses pins 11, 12, and 13.
Code For Line Follower Robot
Important : While the Gobbit should run proper with the connections noted, switching of the red/black motor wires, and/or the A/B side of the Ardumoto may be necessary with the Magician.
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