Ithaca 1911a1 Serial Number Lookup
Posted By admin On 28.01.20Ithaca Gun Company’s Precision 1911.45 By Scott W. Wagner // The rebirth of the Ithaca Gun Company is nothing short of a modern day manufacturing miracle. Aug 27, 2015 Page 1 of 2 - Need help with Ithaca 1911A1 Serial Number Anomaly - posted in FIREARMS & ORDNANCE: I was planning to pick up the Ithaca in the photos below tomorrow. It was pointed out to me by members of the CMP forum, that while the serial number falls within the last block of 1945 production pistols, the serial number is higher than the last known Ithaca serial number of. Ithaca, NY 14850 607.273.4510. By ITHACA GUN COMPANY From 1880 - 1986*. All these Model 37's had the serial number prefix of 381. Any of these that came to the. Ithaca 1911a1 Serial Number Lookup. 1/10/2018 0 Comments My friend is offering me 1911 Colt, Serial #34591 for $700, It's made in 1913. I have had this Colt 1911 for several years and curiosity has got the better of me. Aug 27, 2015. To answer your original question though, the complete Ithaca records are now public and have been reviewed. Dates of Production by Model and Serial Number for Model 1911A1,.45 ACP.
Paul Krokovic CollectionIthaca - Model 1911A1 serial number 2128752 - One of 2,400 pistols manufactured in the serial number range 21507 shipped January 16, 1945 to Transportation Officer - Benicia Ordnance Depot - Benicia, California. ITHACA made the M1911A1 in WW2. The name is only on the slide. Thus you can be confident the slide is at least an Ithaca. Someone with M1911 experience could examine it, and checking the serial number range see if it falls in the Ithaca,Colt, or Remington Rand ranges.
Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 984284 - Circa 1943 pistol with Type 2 slide markings.
Close-up of Remington Rand Type 2 slide markings.

Close-up of 'FJA' inspector's mark. FJA are the initials of Frank J. Atwood, inspector of ordnance. The 'P' proof mark is located near the magazine release and on top of the slide, in front of the rear sight.
Remington Rand M1911A1 serial number 984284 - right side profile.
Serial Number Lookup Warranty
Close-up of cross cannons ordnance mark on the right rear of the frame, to the right of the hammer pin.
Close up of right side frame markings. 'UNITED STATES PROPERTY' over the serial number with 'M1911A1 U.S. ARMY' to the right of the slide stop pin.
Mainspring housing.
Ayashi no ceres episode 1. G marking on top of the frame next to the disconnector.
P proofmark on top of the slide, in front of the rear sight.
Ithaca 1911a1 Serial Number
HS marked barrel. HS is the marking of High Standard.
'G' marked tow on the General Shaver contract magazine. These magazines are recognized by the G mark on the toe and the spot welded seam up the back of the magazine.
Markings inside the front channel of the frame.
Inside of grips.